On this page you will find pictures of the hardy fuchsias which are on the current BFS show bench list of Hardies. Only these can be entered in hardy classes in BFS National Shows.
If anyone has pictures of any of the missing varieties you are willing for the BFS to use, please contact the webmaster.
The list on the website is the up to date list for 2025 and may be printed by clicking this link:- Print list.
The list will also be in the 2025 BFS show schedules and if updated, supersedes the list in the back of the 2023 Exhibitors, Judges and Stewards Rulebook and Guidelines.
Should any BFS member wish to suggest additions or alterations to the list, contact should be made in writing, with the BFS Show Committee before September 30th of each year.
Notice of any changes will be published in the BFS Spring Bulletin.
PLEASE NOTE - this list is for the show bench only and is not a botanical listing.
Its presence on the list does not necessarily mean that the fuchsias listed will survive, when left in the ground, through every winter, in every corner of the United Kingdom.
Any cultivar suggested for the Hardy List must have survived at least five consecutive winters and begun to flower in July or early August.
Names marked with an * are those added to the list in for the current year or if after the show season, the next year.