These links are provided for information only. The British Fuchsia Society does not accept any liability for the content of these websites.
Links to Fuchsia Database websites
Updated multi-lingual fuchsia database of the DDFGG with pictures. This link takes you to the English version
Website of Eddy De Boever with a database and pictures of fuchsias / Nursery finder in Europe
Links to Global websites
A comprehensive list of all known plant species, and the definitive list on genus Fuchsia
New American Fuchsia Society website. (under construction)
This Link takes you to the Fuchsia & Pelargonium Section
New website of the South African Fuchsia society including the Western Cape Fuchsia Society and the Fourways Fuchsia Club
This link takes to the Home page of the Deutschen Fuchsiengesellschaft e.V
This link takes you to the Welcome Page
Links to Pests websites
Shared map on Google maps with confirmed outbreaks of Fuchsia Gall mite started by Derek Luther and now managed by Kristopher Harper-Allison
Links to Private websites
Website of Fuchsia Enthusiast in the central Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia
(Certificate problems)
Fascinating website of R. Theo Margelony and his garden in Portland with many onward links
Jack & Joan Lamb's Facebook page on Species
‘Harper & Debbage’ Website of Kristopher Harper specialising in the cultivars of James Lye and attempting to collect as many of them as possible
Japanese fuchsia web-site, designed for promoting fuchsias in Japan, English titles and links to other web-sites.
Links to Regional Fuchsia Society websites
Takes you the the US Northwest society website with useful heat tolerant and hardy lists
Links to UK Affiliated Societies websites
If you want to find the websites of any affiliated societies you will find them in our affiliated society pages
Links to Unclassified websites
A great site for those who love cottage gardens as well as fuchsias.